My name is Kate Lloyd.

I help people with disabilities train their own dog to assist them, either as an Assistance Dog working in public places, or as an “In Home Only” Assistance Dog (with no rights to public access). I specialise in mobility, hearing and psychiatric tasks for dogs intended to work either in public or an in-home only capacity. I can help owner-trainers prepare their dog for a Public Access Test, or to be trained to the standard required in the Test.

I also help people train their own companion dog for Therapy work (Therapy Dogs do not have Public Access rights)

I use positive food-based training methods. To work with me, you will need to be willing and able to use food, as well as praise and physical petting, to reinforce (reward) your dog for performing the desired behaviour. 

I am based in O’Sullivan Beach, South Australia, and can meet clients at my private training studio, at their home if in southern suburbs, or at a suitable local public location when working on environmental exposure or Public Access preparation training

I am an accredited Cooperative Paws Service Dog Coach™ and adhere to the Cooperative Paws Code of Ethics

I do not provide trained dogs, but I can guide you in sourcing or assessing your own potential dog

Or you can contact me through my Facebook Business Page DOGS ETC: Dog Trainer Kate Lloyd